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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Home Treatment for Migraine, Migraine Pain Relief

Millions of Americans suffer from migraine. It is a neurological condition where you will experience an intense headache on one or both sides of the head and often radiates from the eye. Migraine is a very disabling disease, you will experience pounding pain, vomiting and nausea. Some when having migraine attacks cannot get out of bed and cannot work at all or go on their daily routine. Fortunately you can apply home treatment for migraine during attacks to relieve the pains.

A good treatment for migraine attacks is making use of a towel which is frozen. For this, put water on a towel and squeeze it, then put it in the deep freezer for about five minutes. After that, just gently soothe it over the eyes and the head, which will provide quite some relief from the pain. Massaging is another treatment. This can be done by massaging the forehead as also your scalp by switching between fingers.

One of the most inexpensive forms of treating a migraine at home is the ice wrap. The types you can buy in your drugstore are meant to be placed on either the forehead or neck of the victim but you can easily produce one of these at home. What you need to do is get a towel and wet it liberally then squeeze (but do not wring out) some of the water. Next fold the towel until you can easily place it in your freezer and leave it for about 5 minutes or until the towel has begun to stiffen.

A number of patients receiving Botox injections for the treatment of deep wrinkles on the forehead stopped having migraine headaches or had significantly fewer migraine headaches since starting the injections. About half of them completely recovered from migraines and there was partial improvement in about a third. When this was discovered by doctors, research on the use of Botox for migraines was begun

For sufferers of chronic migraines, prescription medication is often recommended by doctors. This kind of medication is taken on a daily basis in order to prevent migraines before they start. But for others, who suffer from migraines less frequently or are averse to taking daily prescription medication, a migraine home remedy is the best possible solution.

Nasya or medicated oil drops used for the treatment of migraine is of two types. The first is called "Shirovirechan", in which strong, irritant medicines are instilled as nasal drops, which induce sneezing and watery discharge. The second is called as "Avapidak nasya' in which a paste is prepared of a herb or several herbs, and the liquid is inserted in the nostrils. Usually, herbs like Vacha (Acorus calamus) and Pippali ( Piper longum) are used along with honey.

About the Author:

Read about Migraine Treatment and Migraine Relief at Natural Supplements

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Home Treatment for Migraine, Migraine Pain Relief

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