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Thursday, April 16, 2009

4 Top Tips to Quit Smoking

As someone who was addicted to cigarettes for nearly 20 years and has only recently managed to quit smoking I know from first hand experience how hard to is to drop the cancer sticks. For those of you who is struggling with nicotine addiction it can be hard to find the best way to quit smoking so I’ve listed a few quit smoking tips that might give you the motivation you need to stub out the habit.

Tip 1: Decide to quit smoking on a specific day

Setting a date in the near future when you intend to quit smoking makes your task so much easier by making your plans more concrete and therefore less easy to break. Choose a day which isn’t too far off as you don’t want to lose motivation. Telling everyone you know the date you have set will also help you quit smoking for good as you won’t want to let them down.

Tip 2: Live a healthier lifestyle

Smoking cigarettes becomes part of a lifestyle which usually doesn’t have many healthy aspects. Make the effort to improve my physical condition by eating a healthier diet and exercising will cause you to become less interested in smoking. Start off with something simple like taking a long walk each day and have a salad for lunch and you really feel the benefits of your new nicotine free life.

Tip 3: Stay away from the situations which used to cause you to smoke

I used to have great trouble resisting cigarettes when I went to the pub so when I decided to quit smoking for good I stayed away from the pub for a couple of months. Not an easy decision to make by any means but the price paid was definitely worth it. I suggest that if you want to quit you try staying away from pubs and other social situations where you can quit thinking about cigarettes until you feel like you are truly a non-smoker. If you usually take cigarette breaks at work find something else to do for a few minutes to take your mind of cigarettes.

Tip 4: If you are really struggling use an electronic cigarette to satisfy your cravings

I used an electronic cigarette when quitting smoking and it definitely did me a lot of good. Electronic cigarettes allow you to quit smoking tobacco immediately without worrying about the consequences of nicotine withdrawal, thus removing the dread you might feel when considering a life without cigarettes. Not everyone loves electronic cigarettes but they are definitely worth a shot if you are desperate to give up.


About the Author:

Author talks about Electronic Cigarette a revolutionary alternative way to real cigarette. Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarette. Buy online electronic cigarette at www.premiumecigarette.com.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 4 Top Tips to Quit Smoking

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